Walkerspace, New York 2014
Starring Loni Ackerman, Bob Ari, Phillip Christian,
Gillien Goll, Michael McKenzie & Celia Schaefer
“Witty, timely and full of heart, VOICES OF SWORDS puts on a wonderful show that everyone in the family can relate to.”
– The Smithtown News
"Playwright Kari Floren has created a good set-up for her serious-minded comedy about children faced with the caretaking of aging parents, a poignant topic that will resonate with many." – L'Idea Magazi
Photos By Jonathan Slaff

Photo: Carol Rosegg
ArcLight Theater, New York 2012
Starring Nancy Johnston and
Lynne Wintersteller
"The secrets, the memories and the quips come fast... What gives Revisiting Wildfire its zest and believability is Kari Floren's keen writing for these two very distinct ladies. There is a sense of not knowing what's going to come out of their mouths, which is sometimes magical, sometimes irritating, but always zesty....you come away enjoying spending time with two stubborn, complicated and flawed women." – TheaterScene.net
"[The play] feels universal, and rather than preaching only to those in the audience who are like the people onstage, it draws all of us in."
– Backstage

Odyssey Theatre, Los Angeles 2011
Starring Jamie Rose and Denise Crosby
“Revisting Wildfire” is “The Turning Point” for a new generation. The pairing of Denise Crosby and Jamie Rose was absolutely electric, and Eve Brandstein’s direction was magnificent. It had me laughing one moment, and tearing-up the next, and it stayed with me long after the final bows.
– Cary Kozlov
Literary Features/TV, Metropolitan Talent Agency
"Denise Crosby and Jamie Rose both shine in this interesting tale of two old friends helping each other navigate life’s otherwise impassable roadblocks. A meticulous set, dynamic visuals, and innovative score, round out this worthwhile production.”
– Sid Fish, Beverly Hills Directory
"Both actresses get the chance to be dramatically and comedically moving under Eve Brandstein's skilled and finely paced direction. Floren take(s) a serious issue and make(s) it really funny. Revisiting Wildfire is gutsy and unquestionably worthwhile."
– Don Grigware, broadwayworld.com
Photography: Elisha Schaefer

Workshop Production - 2008
Starring Rosemary Prinz, Lauren Mufson, Robert M. Jimenez, Michael McKenzie,
Mary Elaine Monti and
Gordon Joseph Weiss.
"Floren's talent surfaces when she exposes absurdity and socially unacceptable behavior within everyday experiences catching people as they let their guard down in ways that feel both original and true to life. Floren's eyes, ear and wit are all sharp." – Backstage
An engrossing portrayal of the perceptions of the rights and responsibilities of parents and their grown children." – Broadway After Dark
Photo: Boxing Gloves / Elisha Schaefer
Photo: Knitting / Kristina Floren

Starring Robertson Carricart,
Suzanne Grodner and Michael McKenzie
“Floren's play has heart and dramatizes a situation many may find all too familiar" – Backstage
Photo: Elisha Schaefer

Starring Javier Munoz, Don Harvey,
Lauren Mufson and Shirley Roeca
“A Battering Ram! A fortissimo Assault! Give Credit to Ms. Floren. She manages to bring everything to a firm conclusion with a big surprise twist!” – NY Times
"Floren writes full-blooded people and has a well-tuned ear for dialogue. Director Michael Berry has obtained excellent performances from his quartet of players" – Critics Pick, Backstage
Photos: Elisa Schaefer

Photo (at right): Robert Henderson, Jr.

Starring Peter Bradbury, Cindy Katz,
Katherine Leask, Michael McKenzie
"A thoroughly compelling, wonderfully acted piece, full of all the twists and turns and complexities of real lives being lived."
– Eamonn Bowles
President, Magnolia Pictures
"Critic's Pick"
– Show Business Weekly
"The play's fireworks explode on cue."
– Andy Propst
American Theater Web
“In 'A Late Supper' the characters and family situations ring fierce and true, and the writing is bold enough to never shy away from the light.”
– Davida Singer
Contributing Writer, The Villager
"A play I would highly recommend."
– Dorothy Dunne
Columnist, The Wave